Electronic Invoicing
Often Overlooked Benefits of Electronic Invoice Automation
When considering electronic invoice automation and its benefits, it is now easier to associate a real cost, subsequent benefits and return on...
Supplier Relationship
Supplier Relationship, more strategic than ever
Build an effective supplier relationship management through the implementation of a supplier portal with SRM functions and invoice processing...
Supplier Relationship
Procure-to-Pay: Putting supplier relations at the centre!
Having good supplier relations guarantees performance and a better risk management. Find out the key elements to get there.
AP Automation
Maximum AP Automation: Inter Mutuelles Assistance
Process 600,000 invoices per year with 4.5 FTEs instead of 12? This is the successful bet of Inter Mutuelles Assistance. Find out how in this...
AP Automation
Finance department, driver of digital transformation
L'automatisation est la clé de voûte de la transformation numérique de la fonction finance : découvrez le témoignage de Frédéric Massy, CMO d'ITESOFT.
Procure-to-Pay Digitalisation
Impact of indirect procurement on the Procure-to-Pay Cycle
What are the impacts of indirect procurement? How to increase accounting performance? Digitalisation of indirect purchases can have a positive impact...
Supplier Relationship
Automation of Supplier Processes, 5 Key Factors
The main benefits of an account payable automation project are a reduction in costs and an increase in the productivity of your workers
Electronic Invoicing
Often Overlooked Benefits of Electronic Invoice Automation
When considering electronic invoice automation and its benefits, it is now easier to associate a real cost, subsequent benefits and return on...